COACH SPOTLIGHT: How to Improve Stick Handling with Swaggy P

COACH SPOTLIGHT: How to Improve Stick Handling with Swaggy P

Want to make your hands faster? Try these fun drills with coach Pete Lenes (also known as Swaggy P) at home or on the ice to practice puck control, stickhandling and your reaction times – and compete against yourself or your friends.

Here’s What You’ll Need for this Drill

How to Set Up

On or off the ice, use the adjustable arms to configure the Digital Reactor Dangler in your preferred shape. Try a “U” shape, or a straight line. TIP: By setting up the Dangler in a straight line, you can work on your forward and backward motions.

Follow along with video instruction.

Speed Drill

Turn it on using the power button. The countdown timer will start counting down from 45 seconds. A green light will flash periodically, and the object of the game is to move the puck underneath the light. This drill will help make your hands quicker as you react to the light.

This game will help to build your skills because the green light may light up in a spot that puts you in a situation where you’ll have to use a different part of your blade. This game is also about precision. The spots where you thread the puck through are well spaced out, but you will want to get the puck as close to the green light as possible.

TIP: Try to spend less time stick handling at the base of the Dangler, as this will take up more time. The object is to get the puck underneath the green light as fast as you can. The Digital Reactor Dangler it will digitally track your results and improvement.

Want to improve your balance, core strength and stick handling skills? Check out some drills with Coach Jeff Loveccio.